New to Photography ? Just picked up a new camera ? or have been struggling to get some good shots with a DSLR ? This is where you will get the solution to all your questions. Especially designed by Munish, the online version of our reputed well established photography course being conducted since 1993.
You may be based in any part of the world, have limited time in hand, its quite simple to learn through this online photography course and then further enhance your skills as you get unlimited lifetime access across different stages of photography.

Fashion # Advertising # Beauty # Journalism # landscape # wildlife # Filming # Travel # Portraiture # Boudoir # Architecture # Automobiles # Wedding # Retouching

"By sharing his "secret" formulas in photography, Munish helped efficiently to achieve my expectations."
SANDRA France March 14, 2004
SANNE Netherlands Nov 26, 2003
Besides the informative part of the study the atmosphere in the school was very relaxed. There was always space for conversations and questions, there was always time for a laugh!
" "It has been a pleasure learning and exploring new things under your able guidance and I shall look forward to discovering many more of the same.""
RAHUL DUTTA India November 8, 2004
"The best academy ever! so many lessons for my photography and for my life ! thank you Munish khanna photography for all your dedication and love whit your students."

we cover it all !
Know How on a vast variety of genres is included through tutorials, practical videos and demonstrations. This includes Fashion, Journalism, Weddings, Advertising, Street, Travel, Glamour, Food, Architecture and Interiors, Modelling and so on.

Professional Assistance
at every step !
The online forum lends you a helping hand whenever you need one. Ask questions and clear your doubts. In urgent situations you may even call up and get the immediate assistance unlike any other training program. Further you can request a particular topic to be covered, in the unlikely case it's not already included in the training program.

You are never alone !
We stand by you at every step as you progress in photography. Be it at the time of learning or later as you begin to set it up as your profession. We are always there with you !

Make it Large !
Case studies of different photographers and professionals how they started their journeys making it to the top through obstacles and hurdles. With all the support from this comprehensive online programe, be assured you too can make it to the top !
"A small amount invested in yourself brings a much bigger change compared to thousands spent on the equipment "

Munish Khanna's
ONLINE PHOTOGRAPHY COURSE available world wide !