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Offering Modelling Portfolios starting from Rs. 10,000/- for one look ( One outfit without any restriction on the number of photographs and inclusive of makeup in case of females. )
Add as many looks as you wish at the rate of Rs. 10,000/- per look / Change of garments.
You may opt to use your own wardrobe or optionally choose from our wardrobe at the rate of Rs. 4000/- per outfit/garment/look
Recommended Modelling Portfolio package
Rs. 50,000/- for 5 Looks (changes of outfits) without restriction on the number of Photographs. Add Rs. 5000/- for makeup and Hairstyling
Add Wardrobe for Rs. 15000 ( Optional, you can also use your own )
Net Total - Rs. 55,000/- All inclusive without wardrobe
or Rs. 70,000/- with Wardrobe
You may opt for Portfolio package priced on the basis of the number of Hours.
If you have any questions related to Modeling check here. If you would like to know all the steps involved in the making of your portfolio check out this link for a better understanding

Book your appointment with your credit card / online Banking and pay the Balance amount on the Date of the shoot. Kindly confirm the availability before making a date specific booking. You may also make the complete payment beforehand.
Bank transfer details -
UPI ID - 9871020341@hdfcbank
YOKTAVYA KHANNA A/c no. 50100376465771 HDFC bank, 14 Anand look, New Delhi-110049,
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