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Modeling Portfolios| faqs


How do I start off in modeling?
Its simple, first of all fix up an appointment to meet so that everything can be explained and discussed in length. Also, I do not use standard formulas to shoot everyone alike. Only after meeting you, I can judge best to evaluate the best looks for you. Meeting beforehand also helps evaluate your potential and guide you to plan your portfolio in the best possible manner. You may call up at 9871020341 (or what's app) anytime to fix an appointment. If you are not based in Delhi, send in your photos or fix a Video call.

How long will my photo session take?
A complete portfolio generally takes up the whole day. Time for hair and makeup done at the studio is included in the photo session. It is a good idea to start as early as possible, say around 8 am or 9 am. The makeup may take about an hour or so. the actual shot thus starts around 10 or 11 am. Starting early helps to wind up in time and also takes into account any delays due to unforeseen factors.

I only want a few photographs. Can i pay less and get lesser photographs?
You are not paying for the number of photographs or looks. In fact, you are paying for the photographer's skill and experience to bring out and show your very best in your portfolio. The  Art and effort involved are almost the same even if the number of looks or photographs is less. However, to make things a little economical for you some special prices have been worked out for a mini portfolio and also for an extended one.

Do you guide the model during the shoot? 
yes of course. Complete guidance will be provided during the shoot and all assistance will be given for posing and expressions. As the shoot goes on you are shown your pictures on a camera or a large screen, and suggestions are given on how best to improve the shots.

Are my photographs retouched on the computer? 
Once the final pictures are selected, these will be retouched and finished to look the best. There is no additional charge for this. Usually, it is done to the extent that the photographs look natural and do not look too artificial. However, you have both options. You also have the option to add more photographs to your collection.

How do I prepare myself to start a career as a Model?
Once you finalize the Photographer you have shortlisted to prepare your portfolio, discuss everything in detail. Ask questions and understand the process. If you want me to do your pictures, it's always good to have a face-to-face discussion or you may also go through several Blogs I have written on this topic.

What are the payment terms?
You need to pay 50% in advance to confirm the date. The rest of the fee is to be paid on the day of the shoot. You may make the advance payment online via bank transfer or UPI. 

What are the Cancellation terms?
If canceled 15 days before the date of the shoot 90% of the total fees will be refunded back immediately. No refund beyond 15 days. If postponed 7 days before the date of the shoot, no additional charges. If postponed within 7 days 10% of the total fees will be charged extra.
How early should I book? The earlier, the better. This helps you also plan everything smoothly. However, if available I can schedule the shoot at a short notice as well.

Do you promote models? 
It's always my effort to promote my models. Moreover, I prefer shooting with models I know are good. Anyways my best efforts are towards making a great portfolio so that your pictures speak out for you. You are guided to the right people in the industry for your promotion.
How many pictures will you be shooting? The whole shoot is nowadays done on high-end digital cameras. This helps in shooting unlimited pictures without bothering about the added expenditure of film and processing. You do not have to worry about the number of frames or a number of rolls used anymore. Just concentrate on your looks.

Do I have to bring my own clothes? 
If you have a good collection, do bring it. I do have a complete wardrobe but it is always better to have more options open. However, you will have to bring your own jeans, shorts, shoes, sandals or any other stuff which requires a specific fitting / size not available here.  All this can be discussed beforehand and in certain cases, you may not need to bring along anything.

Can I choose the outfits?
Yes, you can. Alternatively, let us decide what will work best for you, but you still have the final word.

Do I get to select my photographs?
yes, Since there are a lot of photographs I generally shortlist the photographs and among this set, you can further choose the best ones you like. this makes your work much easier. At the end of the shoot as well as during the shoot, we’ll look at your photos on a computer screen and talk about which images/looks/expressions work best.

How many pictures will I finally get? 
As many as you want. But it is always good to have only the best pictures in the portfolio which are very strong in every aspect and do not show any flaws at all. The images should show the model in his/her best. The presentation CD or website could have more images but the prints should be restricted to about 10. It's all teamwork. any picture where the model or the makeup artist or the photographer are not up to the mark does not make to the final selection.

How much do I have to expose?
That's absolutely your choice. It is not necessary if you are not comfortable doing so. Keep in mind the kind of work you are looking for. Your portfolio should reflect the same. However, if you get any such images shot, it's not necessary that you have to show everything to your prospective clients. For example, if you wish to pursue a career as a Lingerie model, it does not mean that you cannot explore any other areas. You just need to show relevant images of yours to the prospective clients. On the other hand, if pursuing a career as a Lingerie or swimwear model is your target, you must include such photographs in your portfolio as well.

I am not really slim, Is it possible to achieve that in Photoshop?
It is possible to do so in photoshop to some extent, however, it's better not to manipulate the photographs in a manner that does not portray the real you. Small tweaking can be done but do not expect a drastic change. Moreover, based on your body type, You can also target the Plus models category.

I do not have a good Body, Can I still become a model?
Good or bad is a very relative term and it depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for character roles, a good physique may not always be needed. Meet me beforehand and I can guide you better.

Should I join a Gym before getting a portfolio done?
It's good to have a good physique but you do not have to be a bodybuilder. As long as you are fit, it's perfectly all right, with or without a Gym. You are most welcome to meet up and discuss this aspect.

I am not tall, can I still become a model?
Yes, being tall is not the only criterion. Though it helps but is not a setback as there are so many options still open and your overall personality matters much more than just height.

I am tall, and people say that I can become a model.
As mentioned above, being tall is not the only criterion but yes, an added advantage. Having a good overall personality certainly helps rather than just being tall. 

What are the different looks that are included? 
It's not always necessary to do every different look. We can discuss and plan, what looks go best with your personality and what kind of work you intend to seek. some of the options are - Western casuals- jeans/shorts/tops etc, western formals/evening gowns or a dress, Indian traditional - saree or a lehenga, closeups and beauty shots, and Executive / Business looks. Based on your fitness you may also go for sportswear or Lingerie / Bikini. 

Is modeling safe?
It's just as safe as any other profession. Check the background of any modeling agency you approach. Also, you should never sound too desperate to get an assignment at any cost.

Can I bring along a friend or someone?
yes, certainly. However, bring along someone you are friendly with and not conscious of. Someone you are not uncomfortable posing in front of. Also, it's fine to bring along one friend or at the most two but not a whole bunch!

Some people promise to promote. what do you say?
One does not really need anyone to promote you as long as you have the talent. A good portfolio is your first step in the industry and decide on the photographer on the basis of his/her work and do not link promotion with it. If you are good and if your portfolio is good, half the battle is already won. With the right guidance, you can promote yourself much better than anyone else.

Should I have my own website?
It's optional. You anyways get a page on my website " " For more visibility, you may go for a personal webpage with all details.

As a Model, should I be active on Social media?
It's your personal choice. If you post the images, it should be the ones you may want your prospective clients to see. 

Does one need any Grooming sessions before starting a career in Modeling?
In a way, modeling is an extension of who you are. As an Actor or a Model, you may portray a character as per your Assignment You may be selected for this role based on your talent and personality. You will get the job based on how close your own personality is to the role or how well as an actor, you can adapt yourself to the character. From this perspective, acting and grooming sessions do help.

How important and relevant are expressions in Modeling?
It's your overall personality that helps build a good modeling portfolio. You may not be very good-looking, which itself is a relative term but if you are expressive and present yourself confidently, your photographs will come out nice.

How will I know where should I distribute my photographs?
You will get all the guidance and details of the reputed modeling agencies and casting directors, both in Delhi and Mumbai. In case of any questions or doubts, you can directly get in touch with me any time later as well.

I just want to get the photographs for myself. Is it any different?
No not really. It's more or less the same except that you can get it done more in the manner you want it to be rather than what will work better in the industry. 

I am just getting it done for fun sake, Just to give it a try...
Nothing works unless you give it your best. If you want to pursue modeling as a career, you need to be professional about it just as any other career. You need to put in your best effort towards your portfolio, to begin with as this is going to be your first impression in the industry.

Do you also do portfolios for couples?
yes, you can plan out a couple's portfolio and the prices are available here. This may be a post or pre-wedding shoot or even years after you got married. well, or just as a couple even if you are not married. 

Where should I look for good Photographers?
Well, if you are already reading this, you are at the right place. Anyway's it a relative choice. You may search online and check the Photographer's own portfolio. If you liek the work and relate to the kind of work the photographer has done in the past, you should proceed ahead and check out other details.

Different photographers have different charges. How much does a Photographer charge in general for a Portfolio?
There is a lot of variation in the charges of having a modeling portfolio made and it depends most importantly on the talent and experience of the Photographer. You are paying for the eye behind the camera and that is what makes all the difference.  the number of photos clicked and retouched does not really matter. You need great photographs and most importantly, ones that portray you in the right way. You do not need quantity but good quality as that will eventually help you get work and build a career as a model.

Can I become a Model for free?
Yes and No. Yes, because if you have the right contacts and happen to meet the right people who may help you with Auditions and Interviews, you have a platform to build a career on.
No, because the chances of doing so are quite remote and you need to begin with your Portfolio, which works as your resume or a visiting card in the world of modeling. Concentrate on getting a good portfolio made rather than concentrating on getting work as your first step. If your portfolio is good, chances of your getting good work stand higher.

I have already had some experience in Modeling and would like to update my portfolio.
yes, you can do that. Choose the package with the option of paying on an hourly basis instead of the one based on the number of outfit changes or looks. This will help you add more to your existing portfolio in a more economical manner.

Do you Promote models?
We are into the making of a good modeling portfolio and have years of experience in shooting beginners in the modeling industry. We certainly guide and help in your promotion as a model but this does not come as a guarantee. If you have the potential and if it is portrayed well in your portfolio, you will definitely get work under our guidance on the basis of your merit. When you wish to build a good house, you approach a good Architect or an interior designer but its only when you wish to sell this house, you approach a property dealer. He has experience in selling or renting out your property but not in its making. For that trust only an expert. a good Photographer in this case.

How soon can I recover the cost of my Portfolio?
This is very relative, and you may recover it faster or slower. Being slower does not mean that you wont earn better. Sometimes, it takes longer and you may also be particular about picking up the right kind of assignments rather than just about anything which may help you make money faster but note essentially long-lasting.

Can I do my own makeup?
This is the first step in a good portfolio and you should trust only a talented professional makeup and hair artist to handle it.
You yourself may also be quite good at it but you should rather concentrate on posing and expressions rather than spending your energy on makeup.

Do I need a stylist?
This is your personal choice, If you have a good dress sense and have a range of wardrobe which is varied in terms of styles, you can manage things on your own as well. You do not have to do a particular style if it does not suit you.  Highlight your strength and avoid your weaknesses.

I have the wardrobe but do not have everything. can I get and pay only for a few outfits?
yes, if you have your own collection and lacking in certain areas, we will be glad to help you with that. Additional nominal charges may be applicable.

Should I have expensive clothes for my portfolio?
Your clothes should be nice and not necessarily expensive. They should fit well and complement you. The fittings should be good.  Get some great outfits that will work great for you and do not relate the same to the price tag.

Do Men also need Makeup?
if you have a clear complexion, you do not really need one but yes, you may definitely opt for a good hair stylist you can change the way you look by changing the hairstyles.

How long does a portfolio last?
There is no specific age of a portfolio, You have maintained yourself the same way as you are in your portfolio, you do not really need to update your portfolio. Make changes only of you have changed and do not look the same. Or you may also make changes if you are not getting very positive feedback on your portfolio and not really getting any work. Here also you should consider if your pictures have not been shot well or you do not have great potential to begin with.
A few Agencies, I approached, did not like my portfolio. What should I do?
Try to understand, what they mean. Unless there are technical photographic drawbacks in a portfolio, it cant be labeled as a bad portfolio. A portfolio can highlight you in the best possible manner and if your are approaching the target client whom your portfolio is not meant for, it won't work. Also, you should evaluate the motive of the modeling agency. It's a general trap to discourage you by talking negatively about your portfolio and then asking you to get a fresh portfolio made by them.

What is the difference between a portfolio for Modeling and Acting?
Strictly speaking, there is none. Both are meant to showcase you and your talent on a two-dimensional piece of paper. Depending on the requirement, you may more than often be required to go for an audition as well when approaching for a role as an actor. The acting portfolio may highlight your expressions more, but expressions at the same time are not less important for modeling.

Which modeling agencies should I approach?
Today, most of the information is available online. reaching out to reputed agencies is much easier than it used to be earlier. However, do check out the background of the agency and the kind of work they have done in the past to ensure that you are connecting to the right people.

How do modeling agencies earn?
A part of the fees which you charge for an assignment, usually 30 to 40%  is taken by the modeling agency as their commission. Some may even charge upfront joining or annual fees. Depending on their background and the potential to get you some good assignments, you may opt to go ahead with such agencies.
What is the difference between a Modeling agency and a casting agency?
As the name suggests they specialize in Modeling versus casting for films, TV shows or web films. The same portfolio works for both. In one, the target is modeling and in the other, the target is Films.

Can I see samples of the portfolios you shot earlier?
You may check out the galleries on our website which include portfolios of women, men, Kids and couples.

Which Modeling package is better? based on the looks or based on the number of Hours?
Both have different objectives. If you are a beginner and just stepping into modeling, opt for the package based on the number of looks. ideally, go for the package with 4 to 5 looks at least. On the other hand, if you have experience in posing and expressions and do not need step-by-step guidance, opt for the package based on the number of hours. A two-hour package should be optimum.


What is the fees for making a portfolio? Are there any hidden charges?

Kindly refer to this link for complete details on the charges for making a portfolio. Kindly check if the factors like makeup and hair styling, Wardrobe styling, Studio or location charges are included or not besides the Photography. 


I think I am overaged for modeling. Are there any age restrictions?

There is no such thing as long as you are targeting the roles or assignments suitable for your age. In the world of modeling,  advertising and films, there is a requirement of all age brackets. 

Is Modeling a stable career? 

It depends on how you market yourself and how well your career in modeling is growing. It can last longer or shorter but is based on all these uncertain factors. How you change and adapt to the current requirements in the industry and most importantly how well you perform on the ground. If you perform well, your clients will repeat you in their assignments and help you prolong your career as a good model. 

Should I Quit my job to start a career in modeling?

However talented you may be, modeling as. a career is unpredictable. Start off modeling with your portfolio and then circulate your photographs. Once you start getting assignments and you feel that there is stability of work, only then you should consider switching full-time to modeling. Even then it's always good to have another, even if it is a part-time job to have a stable and continuous flow of income.


Can I "collaborate" on projects with you? We can trade talent for pictures.

Most of the time, I am doing commercial assignments and this may not always be possible but the same may be discussed as the case may be. You can share your photographs if you are an experienced model or a talented beginner, we can explore the options. We can see how we can individually benefit from the collaboration.

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